Meet Me


I’m Tina Johnson and I want to help you transform your life.

I know first-hand what kind of difference health and fitness can make mentally and physically and I want to help you tear down whatever mental obstacle is standing in your way.

Whether you’re a beginner or an elite athlete, whether you’re just trying to get back in shape or trying to get ready for a competition - I can create a program that is just right for you.

Let me take this journey with you. 

- Tina Johnson

Meet My Team


“This journey has been one of the most rewardingly challenging things I have ever done in my life.

This year, I got in agreement with God about my health and decided to fight for my LIFE! Because I am an overcomer, all I had to do was walk in it.

I was not going to continue to allow manifestations to pass me by. God connected me with my now amazing trainer/coach, Tina Johnson, and thus birthed this transformation. The journey still continues as the OCB Transformation Contest was a major milestone marker.

But I wanted to let you know what pursuing, advancing, and taking territories looks like in regards to health.

Stay tuned, this is only the beginning!”

- Angela Hall


”I thought I knew what I was doing on my fitness journey, but as soon as I saw Tina, I was instantly drawn to her ambition and drive.

I needed to train with her. She created an environment that really empowered me to be my absolute best self. I went into training knowing zero about bodybuilding, and she ignited a spark with her knowledge and enthusiasm for the sport.

She is a coach that is there for you 110% of the time - in sickness and in health!

My goals were also her goals, and that is reflected in my 10-month progress. I’m more than excited to keep growing, pushing, and learning with the absolute best there is.”

- Sara Jones


“Thank you, thank you for your encouragement, support, and help in my posing... and... I remember you telling me how I really need to work on those legs.

And it always stood out to do just that and have them catch up to the rest of me. That was June of 2018!

It spoke volumes!”

- Chasity Tucker